Saturday, June 14, 2014

Toddlers/ Preschoolers (2 – 5 years)

When a child takes the first step on his or her own, a new phase in development begins.  At this stage children are now free to roam around their world.  It is a time for active exploration of their environment.  Language development takes major leaps which leads to learning the names of objects of interest, the ability to ask for things and as they discover their independent nature, yes, they develop the ability to say “NO!”.

During this developmental stage, a major challenge is developing what psychologists call emotional regulation.  ”Meltdowns” are common during this period but parents can use the bond developed during infancy to help the child learn to modulate their emotional expression and begin to grasp the difficult concept of delay of gratification.  While they instinctively seem to be able to say “NO” toddlers also need help in learning how to accept “No” from others.

This is also a stage of rapid physical and intellectual development preparing these children for starting school which includes interacting cooperatively with peers while at the same time being able to compete physically and intellectually.  A child’s parent is in the position to be a coach providing just the right combination of encouragement, support and guidance.  Parents also need to serve as primary teacher for the mastery of basic learning skills and encourage active discussion and experimentation of new concepts and skills.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Coming Soon !

KiDO NEW BRANCH at Charoen Rat

For parents who look for a daycare in Charoen Rat, Rama III, Sathupradit, and Sathorn area, come meet us at our new branch at KiDO Charoen Rat on this July, 14 for our grand opening.
  • Daycare: 3 months- 4 years
  • Preschool: 1 year - 4 years
  • Kido camp
  • After School Program

More information, please contact  02 677 7511

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Age and Stages Part I

Part I : 0-2 years

Children go through distinct periods of development as they move from infants to young adults. During each of these stages multiple changes in the development of the brain are taking place. What occurs and approximately when these developments take place are genetically determined. However, environmental circumstances and exchanges with key individuals within that environment have significant influence on how each child benefits from each developmental event.

Ages and Stages is a term used to broadly outline key periods in the human development timeline. During each stage growth and development occur in the primary developmental domains including physical, intellectual, language and social – emotional. Our goal is to help parents understand what is taking place in their child’s brain and body during each period with the hope that they will be able to provide the necessary support, encouragement, structure and interventions to enable a child to progress through each stage as easily and successfully as possible based on each child’s unique set of traits and interests.  

Infants/Babies (0 – 2 years)
Raising a baby, especially for the first time, is both exciting and challenging. This is a time for developing the bonds that will last a lifetime providing the child with the inner resources to develop self-esteem and the ability to relate positively with others. It is also the time for parents to begin to discover who this new person really is. Each child is unique and it is imperative that parents learn to understand, respect, support and encourage the unique characteristics and abilities of each child.